SLICES/pos: Reproducible Experiment Workflows
Enhancing Reproducibility and Portability in Open Source Testbeds

Servus everyone!
I’m Kilian Warmuth, currently pursuing my M.Sc. in Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) after completing my B.Sc. in Computer Science at the same institution. Throughout my academic education, I have taken courses in Advanced Computer Networks, which have deepened my understanding and expertise in the field. I was involved in an interdisciplinary project where I created a testing toolchain for the packet generator MoonGen using the SCLICES/pos testbed. This experience provided me with extensive hands-on exposure to pos, increasing my interest in reproducible testbeds and the enhancement of pos.
As part of the SLICES/pos: Reproducible Experiment Workflows project, my proposal, under the mentorship of Sebastian Gallenmüller, Kate Keahey, and Georg Carle, aims to address the challenges of managing experiment results within the pos framework.
The project leverages the RO-Crate open standard to organize result data systematically, enhancing accessibility and comprehensibility of research findings. We aim to improve experiment documentation for the pos testbed, providing clear setup and execution instructions to ensure reproducibility. Therefore we need to simplify the dissemination of research findings by automating the creation of RO-Crates, allowing researchers to focus on experiment design without needing to be familiar with RO-Crate standards. Implementing these standards will enhance the sharing of results by automating publication processes for open repositories, promoting transparency and collaboration.
We also aim to enhance the portability of experiments across different testbeds, with a particular focus on the Chameleon Testbed. We will develop introductory examples demonstrating how to use pos in various testbed environments. Additionally, we will design and execute a portable complex network experiment based on SLICES/pos. To validate the portability enhancements, we will perform experiments on the Chameleon testbed. Finally, we will refine the portability of pos experiments within Chameleon to ensure seamless execution.
Stay tuned to explore the future of reproducible testbeds!