2022 UC Santa Cruz Open Source Symposium
Save the date for the 2022 UC Santa Cruz Open Source Symposium: September 27-29

Hybrid In-Person and Online Event
Registration to open in late August!
The UC Open Source Research Symposium (successor to the CROSS Research Symposia series) is happy to be able to mix in-person, hybrid and fully remote activities in an effort to provide a larger audience the opportunity to learn about the cutting edge open source research being done throughout the University of California. Participants can interact with UC faculty, graduate students, and affiliated researchers, and discuss future directions and discover areas of collaboration from campuses throughout the UC system.
AND returning after a two year hiatus, the Symposium will once again include the annual UC Santa Cruz Systems Research Labβs Oktoberfest barbeque on the evening of the first day of the symposium.
This yearβs event is organized by the UC Santa Cruz Open Source Program Office (OSPO) and sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and CROSS. It will include keynote speakers, expert panels, and technical workshops, as well as poster presentations highlighting the work of our Open Source Research Experience students.
Cost for non-UC affiliated participants: $299
Interested in Sponsoring this Event? Contact Stephanie Lieggi. Sponsors get complimentary registration, recognition and other benefits
Tentative Agenda
September 27, 2022
Venue: UC Santa Cruz Hay Barn
In-person participation limited to 50 people; Remote participation also available
Plenary sessions including keynote speakers, expert panels and poster sessions.
Day closes with the return of the 12th UCSC Systems / CROSS sponsored Oktoberfest BBQ!
September 28, 2022
Venue: UC Santa Cruz Baskin Engineering 2
In-person participation limited to 60 people; Remote participation also available
Technical workshops (two tracks) focusing on open source research and communities at UC Santa Cruz and other UC campuses.
September 29, 2022
Venue: Online Only
Technical workshops as well as presentations by contributors from the Open Source Research Experience Program.